The Best 10 short love stories serie #4

The Best 10 short love stories serie #4
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1. Today, it’s been eight years to the day since he stopped doing drugs, cleaned up his act, and started caring for his younger siblings full time. One of those siblings is me. When my parents died in a car accident eight years ago, my 18-year-old brother stepped up, got a job, and started taking care of me and my twin sister (who were both 10 at the time) full time. This evening my brother, who is now 26, attended our high school graduation with a proud smile on his face. 

2. Today, I broke down in front of my dad, frustrated with recently coming out to my family. I began to cry and yelled, “I’m sorry I’m gay!” He grabbed my tear-filled face and said sternly, “Don’t ever apologize for who you are. Who you are is who I love. And who you are is beautiful.” 

3. Today, my father and I haven’t spoken much in four years because apparently I just don’t fit into his life. Earlier this week my step-dad called me worried sick because he missed my call and I left a voicemail while I was crying. He was ready to drive a couple hours to my school if something had happened. His caring, and the fact that my mom found a man who loves me like his real daughter,.

4. Today, after years of struggling with my weight, and dealing with an overweight family in denial, my children age 5 and 7 rode their bikes and ran with me while I worked out. My wife started working out too. My kids are super excited about their upcoming races with me and their mom. Realizing that the things I do and say matter, and that we’re all in this together as a family.

5. Today, my mother had my grandfather – my father’s father – over for Easter Sunday dinner because his wife passed away and my Dad was away on business. My mom and dad have been divorced for 13 years, but my mom didn’t want my grandfather to be alone. Her kindness.

6. Today, I was behind a bigger guy and his wife in line for a rollercoaster. They seemed to have come with a big group of people, but I could tell he was nervous. When he fit it into the cart tears rolled down his cheeks and the entire group started cheering. It turns out he just lost 100 pounds and hasn’t been able to ride a rollercoaster for 12 years. Every person around him were his friends and they were there to support him. 

7. Today, I was stressing out over school and work, along with a lot of personal problems that have popped up in my life lately. In the middle of the stress, I received an email from a woman I regularly babysit for. She told me that her little daughter who I babysit cut out my picture from a news article I was in and taped it to her bedroom wall. Knowing that I matter that much to her made me smile, even today. 

8. Today, I waited on an elderly couple where I work. She kept forgetting things. Turns out she has Alzheimer’s disease. Her husband was so calm and understanding. He never got annoyed having to tell her everything she had forgotten. I witnessed true love at its best..

9. Today my best friend, who has been my best friend for over 10 years, confessed that he used to be depressed in high school. I felt like a horrible friend and asked out loud how I never picked up on it. He looked at me, laughed and said, “You probably never picked up on it because I couldn’t help but smile when I was around you. You’re the reason I made it through.” 

10. Today, I came across my mom’s old journal in the attic. I read a few entries, and they were quite depressing. My mom has always been such a positive influence in my life, so I had no idea her past was so troubled. The final entry was written the day before I was born. I told my mom I found her journal, and asked her why she stopped keeping a journal after I was born. She said, “I found happiness. I finally had something amazing to live for.” 

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